Discover how CTCMath can transform your child's results

- Makes math easy to understand
- Clear, spoken explanations
- Short, engaging, to the point - improves clarity and focus
- Pause, rewind or repeat a lesson so they really get it
- Learn much faster by seeing and hearing at the same time
- Learn without stress at home in their own time
- Catch up on lessons missed or not fully understood

- Tests how well the video lesson was understood
- Engaging and immediate feedback given
- Increased difficulty levels to match progress
- Automatically marked and recorded
- Huge variety of questions - great for quick revision too
- Increases confidence
- Kinaesthetic learning - actually doing the math!

- Tests how well the video lesson was understood
- Encourages the traditional pen-and-paper
- Improves ability to set work out in clear, logical steps
- Essential skill to achieve top marks in written tests
- Worked solutions great for learning too
- Automatically marked and recorded
- Can save progress and come back later if needed

- Ongoing progress reports
- Helps you identify weaker areas requiring further study
- Every lesson is recorded and results stored
- Detailed, easy-to-understand statistical information
- When they passed and what score
- Shows how much time and effort put in
- Instantly see areas where more review is needed
Enjoy your
FREE Trial of CTCMath
CTCMath will teach your child to understand math.
And you'll start seeing results as early as the very first lesson!