Here's the TOP BENEFITS for Homeschooling parents.
(Not what we say, what parents tell us):
- A dramatic lift in their child's confidence and attitude.
- Lessons are short and to the point
- Being able to learn at their own speed. In the video tutorials
they can stop and rewind the teacher, as many times as
they need to until they get it. - Plus the teacher never gets annoyed or frustrated with them.
- Improved math results using multi-sensory methods which
ensure retention. - Detailed progress reports.
- And a whole lot less stress when it's math time for both parents
AND kids.
You get unlimited access to all lessons, across all grade levels
- Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
- 3rd Grade
- 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- 6th Grade
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Algebra 1
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Pre-Calculus (Including Trigonometry)
- Calculus
"Mom Doesn’t Stress About Math Anymore!"

CTCMath has helped me very much. I have improved greatly and I'm very thankful for that. When I was using another curriculum (I'm not mentioning names), math normally ended in tears, or mom getting stressed out because I couldn't focus or I didn't understand anything.
Now mom doesn't have to worry about me because I can do math on my own and I end with a smile (seriously, I do) because of how much better CTCMath is.
I especially love Pat's Australian accent (so does my older brother). The explanation videos are so enjoyably short, but they teach you so much.
Hermitage, Tennessee
"My Saving Grace"
I wanted to send you a quick note of thanks! I have three sons that I homeschool. They are very bright and all three are academically gifted and working well above their respective grade levels. I have struggled to find a math program that was a good fit. Trust me we have tried quite a few. They each had weaknesses. Many required too much from me as the teacher and with 3 to teach I was getting worn thin. Others didn’t cover enough information and left some topics confusing for the boys.
Anyway, yesterday I saw your add and thought what the heck I’ve already spent a small fortune on math what can one more hurt. Low and behold your math program was my saving grace. All three boys proclaimed they loved it and that math was fun again. My husband ( a physicist, and major math fan) was impressed and gave your program a thumbs up. I only wish I had found it sooner and saved us time and money by purchasing your program from the start.
Carole Zullo
Richmond, Texas